

HookShow#29 - Podcast Expo and New Car

Click here to Download the HooK Show #29 for 10-10-06

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The Low Tech intricacies of your (Auto) Insurance, What Happens in an accident, What happens after an accident and the process of finding a "New" Car

Renactment of our discussion after the car accident.

1) Determine if your car needs to be towed and where it should go
  • Call your Insurance first. I made the mistake of calling towing company first.

2)Find out of your Insurance covers the cost of the towing.
  • If you have AAA use it for your towing it reduces the cost for your insurance
Once you get your car there, your insurance agent needs to know the contact information to know where the car is located.

Once you figure out where your car is going to go, do some reseach to find out if the company is repitable.
Find out if they have a free loaner car or a contract with a rental company for a discount.

Auto Insurance options for a rental cars
1) Basic Rental (your insurance covers the rental)
2) a Rental plus basic suplimental (your insurance does cover the rental car)
3) "Super Package" additional insurance for the rental (covers what your insurance will not cover with a rental)

In search of a new car,
Talk to your insurance adjustor, after they have seen your car, to see what will be done with it.

The "BS" that comes with buying a used car and warranties


We loved these new cars but, can we afford it.
My father agreed to cosign but ONLY for a used car.

We need something with a good safety rating for our child.
What is more important Safety or Price? (one is going to have to give)

Plus small children don't car shop very well.

Do I buy the car I want or the one I can afford?

(Listen to the podcast to hear what we choose for our "new" car)


"Flex Fuel Vehicle" from Wikipedia
Conan O Brien trying to sell his car from UTube


The music featured in this podcast: Intro Buddha Chill by Joe DJ- trancentral

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Toyota and Honda have variable timing as well. Toyota has iVVT, Honda has iVTEC.

Dodge is just rebranding something that the asian manufacturers have been working on for over a decade.

E85 and other so-called flex fuel might have the perception of saving money on gas, but over all it is a net loss. Ethanol and other biofuels are based on sugars that clog up the fuel system on a vehicle. Which would require more spent on service repairs.