Running time 14:48
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Topic 1: Preparing at home
My wife is full term. A time where we need to be ready at a moments notice.
- Preparing her room
- Introducing sibling to the idea of a new family member
Topic 2: Preparing for the hospital
General Last minute tips on preparing for baby
Moms checklists -
- Labour and Birthplan
- Hospital stay
(Dad's) My checklist
My daughters checklist
Topic 3: Misc preparation/Resources
Parents Intimacy - Podcast on Pregnancy Sex
FREE/Recycled stuff for infants and children
Recommended reading:
- What to expect when expecting
- the Joy of Fatherhood by Marcus Jacob Goodman
Siblings-to-be: (find child age appropriate)-
- My first brother or sister by Monica Hughes-
- The New Baby at your house by Joanna Cole-
- Sophie and the New Baby by Catherine & Laurence Anholt-
- A Baby for Grace by Ian Whybrow
The music featured in this podcast: Intro Buddha Chill by Joe DJ- trancentral