Download the HooK Show #47
Running Time 21:30call in line 206-350-2818
message Ascii Adam
Topic 1: SMS and the web Google Search: TXT 466453 (GOOGLE)
Commands examples:
- General information 'help'
- Local: 'blockbuster sf'
- Weather: 'w nyc'
- Movies: 'm 94114'
- Flights: 'ua 14'
- Sports: 'ny jets'
- Stocks: 'goog'
- Define: 'd clew'
- Froogle: 'f ipod'
- Calculator: '127*56'
- Personalized SMS queries: 'set location'+city & state,or zip
Google Calendar: TXT 48368 (GVENT)
(need to link with your profile)
Commands examples:
- Next event: 'next'
- Today's events: 'day'
- Tomorrow's events: 'nday'
- or text a new event to add it via quick add.
- To Cancel: 'stop'
4info: TXT 44636 (4INFO)
Commands examples:
- General information: 'help'
- SPORTS: 'cubs' 'mlb' PLAYER STATS 'lebron james' 'partiots qb'
- WEATHER: w+ zip,city,area code, airpot code 'w 33124''w boston''w 651''w sfo' BY DAY 'w'+ day(tomorrow,friday) +zip,city,areacode,airport 'w tomorrow 651'
- 411: 'pizza 10016' 'best buy miami fl'
- STOCKS: 'ibm' FUND 'qqqq' INDEX 'dji'
- YELLOW PAGES and Driving directions: business type +zip,city 'pizza 94110' business name+city,zip,area code,airport code 'locksmith 651'
- All search categories:'MENU'
- Other search categories:
- flight status,movies,wifi hotspots,news,horoscopes,drinks,jokes,pickup lines,price compare, package tracking,tv guide, hotel reservations, city search, celebrity gossip
- To get detailed help, text HELP and category: 'HELP SPORTS'
- To Cancel: 'stop'
Facebook:TXT 32665 (FBOOK)
(need to link with your profile)
Commands examples:
- Update status:'@ out at john's party'
- Get profile info:'john smith'
- Get cell:'cell john smith'
- Message:'msg john smith whats up?'
- Poke:'poke john smith'
- Fire:'fire john smith'
- Wall post:'wall john smith happy bday'
- Add a friend:'add john smith'
- Write a note:'note this is a mobile note'
Twitter: TXT 40404
(need to link with your profile)
Commands examples:
- To your stream: type your message
- Track a subject: 'track'+ subject
- Turns off tracking for that subject: 'untrack'+ subject
- Shows all of you current tracks: 'stats' or 'track' alone
- Turns off all tracking: 'track off'
- User information: 'whois username'
Jaiku: TXT ?
(need to link with your profile)
Command examples:
- General information: 'help'
- To your stream: type your message
- To a channel: #channel then your message '#jaikufans Hello everyone'
- Activates updates: 'start'
- Stops updates:' stop'
Paypal: TXT 729725 (PAYPAL)
(need to link with your profile)Command examples:
- General information: 'help'
- Send money: 'send'
- Request money: 'request'
- Buy things: 'buy'
- Donate: 'give'
- Cancel transaction: 'stop'
More txting services:
Txting widgets for websites
What alternative uses for SMS do you use on your phone? (ie. Google, Paypal, Twitter)
With responses from: Jason McLaughlin, AJ J, Dean Jensen, Joel Peter Anderson, Ascii Adam
DIGITAL DANHOOKSHOW+DAN@GMAIL.COMThe music featured in this podcast: Intro
Buddha Chill by Joe DJ- trancentral