Computer problems
- Linux Live CD [Knoppix 3.8]
- Daughter is a officially a toddler
- Post Trick or Treating Update
October Meetup at the Kitty Cat Club
We chatted about:
- Expo experiences from Johnee and Garrick
- Podcast discoveries (Berkeley University)
- other misc podcasts , and experiences
November meetup
- Wasn't able to attend
- Lingr.com virtual meetup
Upcoming December meetup
- Christmas /Holiday party
Deer Hunting Basics
- purpose of deer hunting
- Gun Safety
- Deer Hunting License
- DNR Rule Book
- Zoning
Clothing /Gear
- Blaze Orange (its your own safety)
- Sharp Knife
- Rope for dragging
- Rubber Gloves - Prevents blood disease
- Compass/ GPS -Navigation in the Woods
- Safety Harness for tree
- Zip tie for License
- Cell Phone
Big DNR tips
- Stay away from roads
- Stay away from Residential Areas
- Use common sence
- Take the time to be sure of your shot
- Remember Firearms safety
- Treat every firearm as loaded, know your zones of fire.
- Proper Tagging of the deer
- Good Quality Blaze Orange
- Family Private property -Its a family get together and tradition
- Party Hunting
- Time you can Hunt
- Reasons for tracking
- Good Kill shot, don't want to get an injury.
- Sitting in a Stand - be patient
- Shoot for the Vitals (Heart, Lungs, etc)
- Wait for about 20 minutes
- At the Kill site
- Tag the deer with your license.
- At camp
- Costs may very depending on the cuts and weight of the animal
- Proper tags must be visible
- Red meat, gamey flavor, iron rich, low fat, lower calorie
- Usual cuts are Steaks, Chops, Stew meat, Roasts, etc...
- Venison can be ground up to make Snack Sticks, Sausages.
- Typical Hunting Accessories
- Hunting Technologies
Cabelas , Dicks Sporting Goods , Bass Pro Shops
The music featured in this podcast: Intro Buddha Chill by Joe DJ- trancentral
Song Oh Juliet- Hunting the Canyon Below Our House